2011 was a wonderful year for us.  Starting off with returning from our Honeymoon, it took us a while to get back into the swing of things. I dont think I could pick up my camera until the summer time, due to lack of desire.  Having 13k pictures taken on our trip and carrying it around with us everyday took a bit of a toll on me.

Some of the events we did this past year were:

  • Jane had her ABA behavioral conference in Denver
  •  Lenny Kravitz/U2 concert in Qwest field
  •  Eddie Vedder in Beneroya Hall
  •  Sublime/311 at Marymoore park with the Blairs
  • Went to the Taco Truck cook off in Seattle
  •  Some time in the Summer over in C d’A
  • Took the Nephews and Niece to the Zoo
  •  I went to St. Petersburg for work
  • Shipped a project in the fall
  • Made our Townhome actually cool
  • Went to a Cougs game and visited family in Moscow for Aida’s bday
  • Sold our House (the picture above is from a little hidden present we left future owners)
  • Had a white Christmas

I may write more on these in the future, as although we didnt blog about them as they happened, there may be an interesting story here or there.

2012 has already started to be a good year, we enjoyed the snow we recently had covering the area, we are staying in a house that my great grandfather Otto built in 1939.  Jane and I did a massive clean on it, as it hadn’t been lived in a while.  It keeps us busy just on its own, we find little things that need to be done to it all the time.