Archive for category Whats happening!

Summer’s almost here!

The grilling season has been going on for quite some time now, looks like I need to refill the propane tank. Work around the house has kept a steady flow of maintenance chores to keep me busy each weekend. I’ll have to post the before and after shots I took.Jane is still recovering from what we are calling Friendapalouza. We had a rotating set of guests stopping and staying with us. A good time was definately had by all. I got a new camera, its a full frame digital, that has amazing resolution. I’ve been spending whatever miscellaneous time I have had trying to learn to use it well. If you dig into this post, you can see several images from the same master shot.

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The end of 2011

2011 was a wonderful year for us.  Starting off with returning from our Honeymoon, it took us a while to get back into the swing of things. I dont think I could pick up my camera until the summer time, due to lack of desire.  Having 13k pictures taken on our trip and carrying it around with us everyday took a bit of a toll on me.

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