A Shipment of Coffee from Vietnam arrived today!

2012 is off to a good start!  Jane started ordering this coffee back in early October, and finally managed to break through the communication barrier and ordering difficulties.  I have to say, Im pretty excited about it as its a really smooth and non acidic coffee.  I had a Kilo and a half of this brand sent home when we were in Hanoi.  750g of Moka, which contains a % of Robusta beans which made it potent and 750g of this ‘Weasel’ coffee, which has a very unique way of being processed.  Pretty gross as well when described, I wont bother as I try not to remind myself when Im drinking it.  All I will say is that the Civets know when the bean is ready!

On Sunday, I spent 9 hours working on our Egypt book doing color corrections.  Once we finish it, I will put up a link if they let people browse it.  Here are some pictures from it.

The Citadel

This is the Citadel, located on one of the hills overlooking Cairo, behind it is the tomb of Muhammad Ali of Egypt, and Ottoman commander who came in and modernized Egypt.

A view across the Nile at night.

This is a view across the Nile from back in 2008.  Feluccas would sale up and down the Nile, as well as large tour boats.