Archive for category Family

Spring flying by!

Hanging out in the Earthquake machine!

April is almost over!  It seems hard to find time to put what we have been doing, when all in all its not a lot.  Living in Kirkland now, I’ve been spending every weekend working out in the yard.  Tons of stuff to do to try to get it back under control.   We have also had the weather to be actually enjoy this.  Since my last post, my friend Jhavid came into town as his sister had a baby.  It was good seeing him as always, I just wish it was more often.  While he was here, Jane took him ring shopping for an engagement ring.

We also headed down to Hood River to see the Hawks. Savanah had a play that she was performing in and did great.  We stopped by Portland and visited the Science center there.  The kids enjoyed mucking about with all the different displays.

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Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is here!  There is so much that we are thankful for… We are thankful that we have a wonderful set of friends and loving family, even if we are not there with them to celebrate.  We are thankful that we were able to go on this trip and that everything has gone well for us on it.  We are thankful that we are moving South on our trip, so the weather is getting better and better.  Jane is thankful for all the shops that carry shoes, purses and scarves…  Im thankful that many of these shops have chairs.

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Welcome To The Family Little Ada Dean!

Baby girl Ada was born on Saturday, October 16th. While we were enjoying the sites of Amsterdam, Warrior Mom Nikki was giving birth the old fashioned way….. au naturale. Guess what happens when you live in small town Idaho?? The hospital only has 1 drug doctor on call on a Saturday night, and when he’s in surgery and can’t leave to give a woman in labor her drugs, you end up giving birth without them! Truly a Warrior!

All is well with both Mom and Baby, and we are so, so excited to meet our newest little niece! Since we can’t give cuddles and kisses until January though, pictures will have to suffice.

Woodland Family