There was nothing really unusual about the flight, neither Jane nor I got any good sleep on the plane.  We opted for the airline  pasta as our meal, instead of the chicken.  I had visions of the old movie ‘Airplane’ when thinking of airline chicken, although I think in that case it was fish. 

We made it into Amsterdam and it took us an hour and a half to get out of the airport, just because we didn’t really have a plan.  I remembered from 10 years ago that you want to jump on the train to get to town, and with a little  brain digging I figured it was Central Amsterdam that we would want to go to.  From the time I had been here before with Jhavid, I remembered fondly the hotel that we had stayed at.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t for the life of me remember the plaza it was on, or its name.  As Jane and I began wandering the streets of Amsterdam, it began to rain.  I felt kind of like the clueless leading the blind, but through following my instinct we finally found it.  Of course, my instincts got us to a nearby hotel where I knew we were in the right area, but couldn’t quite find the plaza I was looking for.  I asked the desk clerk, and she looked at me like a Moron and told me the plaza was right up the block.

We headed up the block, and indeed it was Rembrandt Plein, and the hotel was still there.  We checked it out, but they didn’t have rooms available for two.  We ended up getting an attic room in this other hotel, I think Im going to hate the stairs, especially if we stop and get a beer anywhere.