Archive for category Travel – Laos

Vientiane, Laos: To the Buddha Garden

Looking down at the Buddha Garden.

We could have easily spent more time in Luang Prabang, but decided it was best to move on to see more.  Next on our list was Vientiane, Laos’ capital city.  We decided not to go into the far southeast as the logistics of it didn’t fit our schedule.  We would have loved to see the thousand islands in the river, and spent some time in the little island towns, but it was just not in the cards.  I think this is the first time during the trip that our short time remaining had started really becoming a force to be acknowledged.

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Luang Prabang, Laos: Land of Golden Wats.

Our #19th country, Laos!

We had had such a great time in Vietnam, we were sad to leave.  These feelings seemed to have become a common theme in our recent weeks traveling… we were excited to go, but hated to leave.  Next stop, was a country that we were going to skip over, except Kristen Gill told us some of her experiences there, and then we found a way to fit it into our schedule.  I definatly do not regret the decision of stopping into Laos for our 19th country, it was gorgeous terrain and a great vibe from the people.  We headed to Luang Prabang because there were a ton of sights to see there.

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